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Brockton Youth Soccer Association

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Leadership Statement March 18, 2020

Message from BYSA President, Nolan Napier about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Dear BYSA Families:

In the past week we have heard from numerous health, political and sports agencies on the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the precautions we must all take and continuously implement in our daily lives. 

We at BYSA are fully supportive of the direction and advise received and strongly encourage all members and their families to abide by the standards set forth by the experts - namely the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.)

On March 12th BYSA coaches were directed to suspend all team related activities including practices and other team gatherings. This suspension will remain in effect until April 12th and will be revised accordingly as we continue to monitor all new and developing information received from our Medical Experts and Brockton Community Leaders such as Brockton Public Schools and the Mayor’s Office.

To put things into perspective: On Friday (03/13) there were 2,210 COVID19 cases reported nationwide. On Monday evening (03/16) there were 4,465 reported cases. As of last night (03/17) 6,135 cases were known. Today we have surpassed 7,324 with 115 reported deaths. 

Although we are only in the infancy stages of this pandemic, all 50 States are now reporting positive test cases of COVID-19. So we cannot afford to treat this lightly. The importance and mental discipline of practicing the 4 safety measures of: 
1. social distancing (staying 6 feet apart & no shaking of hands) 
2. thorough hand-washing with soap and warm water
3. refraining from touching our faces
4. not participating in social gatherings of 10 or more

...are of paramount importance to our safety. 

So let wisdom prevail in our actions and decision-making. In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson ignored the evidence presented and minimized the threat of the Flu... which would eventually go on and kill more people than the Great War did. COVID-19 is predicted to be worse than the flu. 

COVID-19 is not a hoax – it is not a respecter of persons – it is not affiliated with any political party – and neither are the echoes of prejudice against our fellow Asian friends and communities true. When we hear of such ignorance, it’s time to switch our TV and radio channels. These thoughts will not be entertained or condoned within the confounds of the BYSA community. Rest assured that we have the best and brightest minds working on defeating COVID-19, and we will prevail. 

Lastly, the state and care of our mental and physical health is critical in times of anxiety and nervousness. Our Coaches are working diligently in sharing virtual sessions & encouragement for players & families through various social media platforms. I thank them for embracing and working through this difficult and challenging time. A more comprehensive outline will be provided in the coming days. 

I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this time of uncertainty. We hope you find comfort in knowing that the measures taken are in the best interests of our BYSA community. Please stay safe and conscious of your health, your family and your neighbors. Together, we will overcome. 

Best Regards, 
Nolan Napier 
Brockton Youth Soccer Association

COVID-19 Leadership Statement April 29, 2020

Message from BYSA President, Nolan Napier about COVID-19

Dear BYSA Families & Friends:

I hope this email finds you well and staying safe through these uncertain times. To our First Responders, Frontline Workers and their families – thank you for your daily work of sacrifice. We salute you all and may God bless and keep you safe.

As our battle with COVID-19 continues, we acknowledge the various ways in which it has impacted our lives and the tragic loss it has brought to our community. We are deeply saddened and remember each family and friend that has lost a loved one. Our sincere condolences, and may you find comfort in the fond memories - and be strengthened by the love you shared.

Over the last month the leadership of youth soccer organizations across the country have been virtually meeting and weighing the impact of COVID-19 and what the landscape of youth sports will look like as states begin to open up. As of now, it’s been determined that all competitions at the Regional and National level will be cancelled for the season. Domestic play will be determined by the state governing bodies and their respective leagues.

As of today, Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) plans to resume play for all leagues on May 18th 2020.  See their statement:

We have BYSA players that play across 4 different leagues affiliated with MYSA. These leagues are independent of one another and each are deliberating on how to proceed. I can say that all are planning to have some sort of a season into June/July and maybe August. Rest assured the safety of our BYSA players and families come first and we will not proceed play without those assurances. We will know more in the coming week as Governor Baker plans to provide an update on developments in our state.

With regards to our Intramural Program, and the impact COVID-19 has had on our city, we will follow our local leadership and the scientific evidence/testing in Brockton. If we are able to play, the season will not extend beyond June 30thIf the season is cancelled, then all payments made will be reimbursed or credits will be issued for next season. We will follow-up with details in the near future.

Please remain Brockton Strong and steadfast during this difficult time. Obedience is better than sacrifice. So let’s continue to submit out of love for our community and for those around us by implementing those CDC guidelines and adhering to our local leadership.

Thank you for your patience and understanding and best of health to you always.

Nolan Napier
Brockton Youth Soccer Association


Brockton Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 1451 
Brockton, Massachusetts 02303

Email: [email protected]
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